RE: Air Flow and Pressure
You want to look up the Bernoulli(sp?) Principal. Sounds like you may also
be after the Venturi(sp?) effect.
Brian Basura
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 7:00 PM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Air Flow and Pressure
Original Poster: gweaver <gweaver@earthlink.net>
I am doing some TC experements and could use some HELP.
I know I have read this some place in one of my books but I can not find it
now when I really need it. I have looked in my Physics, Science and
Engineering books and can not find the answer. These are just basic laws of
physics that can not be changed.
If I blow air threw a short smooth pipe with a constant diameter the air
velocity and air pressure will say the same though out the inside of the
If I take a second short smooth pipe whose area is exactly half that of the
first pipe and blow air threw it as I did before in the first experement the
air velocity will double. What will happen to the air pressure inside of
the pipe???
What I really need to know is if a pipe is large, then tapers down smaller,
the air velocity will increase in the smaller pipe, will the air pressure
inside the smaller pipe increase, decrease or stay the same???
If a smooth pipe makes a 90 degree turn and air is blown threw it as before
in the other 2 experements will the air on the outside of the curve be
higher density air because of centrifical force???
Gary Weaver