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R Hull Website&Off topic 3 phase

Original poster: "harvey norris by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>" <harvich-at-yahoo-dot-com>

Richard Hull now has a website,
http://www.richmond.infi-dot-net/~rhull/ . It is dedicated
to amateur scientists interested in exploring high
energy physics. It focuses on the work of physics
enthusiasts around Richmond, Virginia. Topics covered
by the website include: electrostatics, magnetics,
nuclear fusion, instrument construction, Tesla coils
and water arc explosions. 
    In other matters I have tried a 3 phase AC
resonant scheme powered from a converted car
alternator to produce a voltage rise by large 1000 ohm
inductors in a second stage of resonance. This was
sufficient to light neons from the alternator 19 volt
input. This is shown at
Adding another 3rd stage and showing schematics of all
3 stages;
     It seems that although a voltage rise can be made
with the large induction coils, the 1000 ohms also
limits amperage into the 3rd stage. The 3rd stage
massive 37.3 mh coils are due to 1000 ft of 14 gauge
coil being multilayed winds. It is not a conventional
design at all, and doesnt work at this point in time.
I would venture to think that multilayered winds for a
tesla secondary are no good because it should have
quite more internal capacitance, thus negating the
possibility of adding the needed  polar capacitance to
resonate as is done in conventional tesla coil
secondaries. Arcing between globes could only be
maintained at a mm or so, similar to the arcing made
when two (56H,1000 ohm)coils are arranged 180 out of
phase at 60 hz 120 volts household wall voltage.

In order to approach this problem I have thought to
use what I have called the Barnet effect: extracted as
follows from a previous list discussion;
    A spinning AC alternator can produce small
and amperages in its output phases without the DC
field being energized: in my my experimentation this
is only .04 of the normal amperage tests being made.
It can be measured and is assumed to be due to the
Barnett effect of spinning metallic masses producing a
magnetic field EFFECT. 

This deduction was refuted by some others in the know;

"No, I don't think so, the Barnett effect is a very
small effect. It might be due to a parametric effect.
"Any generator where the reluctance is varied in a
regular fashion can generate some output due to
amplification of noise currents. The Russian
researchers in parametric oscillation used something
similar to this to generate large currents (not OU
though). No input emf or permanent magnet needs to be
present, only some means of varying the L of the
magnetic circuit. "

It seems possible that an
effect can be recycled back to the cause as (the case
of)microphone/speaker feedback. So here I got the idea
that if the meager amperage from one of the phases
were connected prior to the rectified AC field input:
that could cause a full self energization of the field
via the same kind of feedback mechanism. Essentially
the AC input to the field before rectification was
opened and then connected to one AC output phase. The
EFFECT was connected to its own CAUSE. The result?
Zero Amperage. 

"This again MIGHT be due to parametric effects where
cause and effect are phase shifted by 90 degrees.
Feeding back output in phase with input would cause

Shifting these observations aside; what this means is
that the 3rd stage can be safely scoped out while the
alternator is running with no energized field output.
This can also be done with meters where the increased
voltage in each stage is observed. One normally simply
records 1/25th the normal voltage and amperage levels
that will occur in operating conditions. On the third
stage the ending is open  and terminated with
capacity. The third stage will light the neons at
lower field votage By monitoring only that coil the
voltage rise by adding or subtracting capacity should
easily be measured and modeled for what should occur
at higher voltage input. It may be hard for some to
understand how hf can occur without an arc gap. I have
found that one ended loads can easily allow this
standing wave to occur provided the initial voltage is
high enough.. This is shown by a scope picture of
oscillations made by connecting a small neon to a
large surface area at the bottom of this last webpage.
 The corresponding BPS rate, or ringdowns per second
are quite high, probably over 1500. I have another
jpeg that shows the ringdowns at the 60 hz sweep rate
of 2ms/div, this shows over 50% of the cycle involved
in hf.  I can send some of these jpegs and how the
signals were obtained to anyone of interest offlist.
If 3 (120 degree timed) phases of these hf
oscillations were to simultaneously occur: a sensor
would have to record them as overlapping HF events;
continually occupying the total time period of a
Sincerely Harvey D Norris.

Binary Resonant System  http://members3.boardhost-dot-com/teslafy/

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