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Re:Re: New Capacitor (fwd)
Original poster: Tesla List Moderator <mod1-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com>
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Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 23:08:30 EST
From: Tesla729-at-cs-dot-com
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Cc: Tesla729-at-cs-dot-com
Subject: Re:Re: New Capacitor
Hi Bert, Jim Lux,
I haven't been able to determine the part # of the .22 uFD, 50 kV
Maxwell capacitor yet, but I do remember it being described as a
"High Energy Density" capacitor and was removed from a Marx
generator, so it's probably a mylar dielectric, designed for low PPS duty:-(
One thing that I have noticed about my High Energy multiple pulse cap
that I am using in my 10 kVA coil is that it isn't very physically large for
its voltage/capacitance rating either. It is (12) identiacal .0275
uFD -at- 42 kVDC pulse caps built into single 3" X 5" X 25" long
plastic block unit that weighs only about 12 lbs. I have externally
bussed them for 2 strings of 6 for a single .083 uFD -at- 84 kVDC
unit and its external surface rarely gets noticably warmer than
ambient temperature, even after extended high powered runs :-)
Keeping 'em Sparking in Memphis,
David Rieben