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Re: Glass drilling.

Original poster: "Steve Rosenthal by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>" <sdrosen@cwia.com>

Another way to drill glass, which I have used many times, is to use a copper
tube the size of the hole you wish to drill, use some other copper adapter
to size it to the size of your drill. (3/8" or 1/2", etc.). Cut several
slots in the end of the copper tube with a hack saw. Then get some cutting
material like valve grinding grit, etc., and make a paste and put it on the
glass whiere you want the hole. You just keep a light pressure on the drill
site and keep adding grit as it slurries off. The copper will wear down, so
you keep cutting the slots with the hacksaw, so the grit slurry does the
cutting by being pulled along by the slotted copper tube. I have drilled up
to 1 inch holes through 3/8" plate glass. It takes a little time, but you
get very nice results. I have even drilled holes thru the sides of mason
jars this way. I think I first saw this method in the Amateur Scientist
column in Scientific American. Oh by the way, I see the whole 20th century
collection is available on CD ROM. For those of you who, as I, found great
inspiration from the columns written by C. L Stong in the 50s and 60s, it is
very nostalgic to have them all on one CD. http://www.tinkersguild.com/

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2000 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: Glass drilling.

> Original poster: "Jason Johnson by way of Terry Fritz
<twftesla@uswest.net>" <hvjjohnson13@hotmail.com>
> You can buy drill bits for glass and ceramic. You have to go very slowly
> when drilling with them and use a good coolant. You can get away with a
> electric hand drill or a drill press set for the lowest possible speed and
> press very slowly. You can get glass drill bits at mcmaster carr
> http://www.mcmaster.com/
> Jason Johnson
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com>
> To: <tesla@pupman.com>
> Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2000 1:32 PM
> Subject: Glass drilling.
> > Original poster: "Nathan Morris by way of Terry Fritz
> <twftesla@uswest.net>" <themfam@home.com>
> >
> > All,
> > I have an old heavy glass insulator that I would like to use for a
> > mount.  Does anyone on the list have a suggestion on how I might be able
> to
> > drill a hole in it?  I have a drill and a standard set of bits, but I
> think
> > that the conventional method might just ruin my bits.
> > --Green Horn
> >
> >
> >
> >