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RE: More Coupling...
Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla@uswest.net>
Hi John,
That's really good! I am surprised the frequency came out so close. I
have some extra primary turn to account for streamer loading which accounts
for the small difference there.
At 11:47 PM 12/21/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>Terry -
>I ran your coil numbers thru the JHCTES Ver 2.3 with the following results.
>Inputs JHCTES/2.3 Terry
>Pri cap uf .017 .017
>Avg pri rad 9.00 -
>Width 6.00 -
>Sec rad 5.00 5.00
>Turns 1030 1000
>TPI 34.0 -
>Wire dia .0201 .0201
>Sec term pf 14.00 12.25
>Res Freq Khz 107.4 107.8
>Sec mh 76.23 75.4
>Pri uh 129.10 127.9
>Pri turns 14.83 15.13
>Mut Ind uh 634.78 ?
>K factor- 0" .20 .2069
>I agree that the parameters of many more coils should be measured.
>John Couture
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
>Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 6:39 PM
>To: tesla@pupman.com
>Subject: Re: More Coupling...
>Original poster: "Terry Fritz" <twftesla@uswest.net>
>Hi Bart and Paul,
>The measurements for my big coil (as it was then) and the coil's details are
>For those that wish to help, the "best method" of measuring coupling is at:
> Terry
>At 05:52 PM 12/21/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>> Hi Paul and Everyone,
>> My reply here is to ask (plead) for more coiers to make coupling
>> measurements. All that is needed is a DMM capable of volt and amp readings
>> (or meters capable of this). Also needed is a primary that can be moved
>> and below the secondary base line in steps (or the secondary to achieve
>> same result). Measurement is easy (we can define that later).
>> If case you haven't kept up with this thread, I have found an increase in
>> coupling error to Paul's program "acmi" predictions (error increases in
>> direction of increased coupling). What I would like to find out with your
>> help is:
>> 1. is current changing during measurement (and not realized),
>> 2. is the flat primary shape causing the error,
>> 3. if #2 is correct, does acmi need to apply a correction of some type,
>> 4. if #3, is this true for only flat primary's?
>> 5. Lot's of other little tid bits to increase our coupling knowledge.
>> So we need some flat, helical, and conical coupling measurements as well.
>> This type of comparison has been needed for some time and the information
>> will add another little wrinkle in our coiling brains.
>> Any takers? Anyone?
>> Thanks,
>> Bart
>---------------------- snip