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Re: RSG Disk Material
Original poster: "Mike Waddick by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>" <mikew@winternet.com>
I used Mcmasters:
Grade Ce Garolite Sheet 1/2" Thick, 12" X 12", Tan Opaque
$ 24.87 Each
i think i would have to say that anyone that build tesla coils should have a
rotozip with disk cutter. It makes perfect disks and it cut through alot of
materals. I use it all the time to cut acrylic, lexan, hdpe, and i just cut
two 32" UHMW-PE disks for my latest base. I think its an amazing tool.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 5:40 PM
Subject: RE: RSG Disk Material
> Original poster: "sundog by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>"
> Hi Steve, All,
> Nothing wrong at all with GP03. I bought 2 12x12x1/2 pieces of it for I
> believe $12-15$ a sheet. Great price on some hefty material. My thoughts
> were,
> "If the flying electrodes get to that temperature, it's too much power,
> too slow a disc, or too long a run. I can at least cut this stuff with a
> handfull of those new cheap jigsaw blades. It's a *lot* cheaper than
> It's only $12-15 a sheet, so I won't be out but about $30 (GP03, cheapie
> jigsaw blades, arbor, etc) if it doesn't work. "
> Grab some (maybe 3/8 or 1/4, the 1/2 shtuff is murdrously heavy!), get a
> half dozen cheapie jigsaw blades (you'll tear the teeth of almost any
> no no use wasting monef on a $12 blade that'll last maybe 3 min longer
> a $1 blade). Use a compass to mark your disc, then have at it with the
> jigsaw. but above all *USE A RESPIRATOR!* This *is* still fiberglass,
> nasty nasty nasty stuff happens to your lungs when you breathe the dust.
> Also, gloves are a good idea, as those little fiberglass splinters drove
> insane for a day or so. Can feel 'em but can't find 'em.
> My pig-capable SRSG is coming along, and I'm using a 11.5" disc on a
> motor ground for sync operation. I'll couple that with John Freau's phase
> adjuster (JF adjuster?). Pics are forthcoming, and the holidays limit my
> "work on the coil time". GPO3 is creat stuff!
> Shad
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 11:30 PM
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: RSG Disk Material
> Original poster: "Steve & Jackie Young by way of Terry Fritz
> <twftesla@uswest.net>" <youngs@konnections.com>
> Dear RSG builders,
> I want to know why I shouldn't use GP03 (electrical grade figerglass)
> instead
> of the more expensive G-10 (Garolite)? As Dan points out below, the G-10
> has 4
> times the tensile strength, but about 4 times the cost and about
> the
> high temp rating. At what rotor electrode velocity will 10,000 PSI
> strength not be adequate to keep the electrodes from becoming projectiles
> the RSG flies apart? I like the cheaper price of GP03, and being able to
> cut
> it with non-carbide tools.
> Your thoughts on GP03 vs G-10 will be appreciated.
> --Steve
> [Snippers!]