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RE: Winding Primaries (fwd)

Original poster: Tesla List Moderator <mod1@poodle.pupman.com>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 12:54:48 -0600 
From: Ted Rosenberg <Ted.Rosenberg@radioshack.com>
To: 'Tesla list' <tesla@pupman.com>
Subject: RE: Winding Primaries (fwd)

I just uploaded a photo taken when I began my threading process. This photo
stage was before the cursing started <grin>.
Sundog, Gary et al, have a really valid point.

look at http://www.flash.net/~ford29/tesla/primary.jpg


Subject: RE: Winding Primaries (fwd)
From: sundog <sundog@timeship.net>
Subject: RE: Winding Primaries (fwd)

Hi Simon, All,

  I know some on the list will cringe, but I used zipties and 1/4"
polycarbonate for my primary.  A pic of it can be seen at


The primary is 1/4" tubing, and there's ~100' wound on it already.  I bought
a bag of 1000 zipties at home depot for ~$25, and the polycarb for I think
$17 a sheet.  It's attached to the table by nylon bolts.  Drilling PC isn't
bad, but tapping it is a pain.  All in all, the primary works beautiful. I
just started on the inside, and unwound the tubing into the grooves,
securing it with a single ziptie.  If I had to do it over again, I'd use
more supports, as my turns tend to "clump" on the outer turns due to lack of
support. Only problem I've had so far is the physical size of it. It's
huge!!  but!  It lets me run really high inductance secondaries and massive
toploads. I'll probably remove a turn or so from the inside to make more
clearance (had flashover problems). Looks great, runs great, and only took a
single night to build (about 5 hours.)
it helps!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 14:28:28 EST
From: quantumx@mail.ozemail.com.au
Reply-To: Quantum-X@Qserve.8m.com
To: Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com>
Subject: Winding Primaries

Hi all!
Well, I'm a proud owner of a sparkgap [a nice one at that too] and a 24"
secondary coil... y'know - even if the coild doesn't work, at least it will
look nice :)

Anyway- for my primary, I have made up some HDPE supports, and drilled them
appropriately. I was wondering if anyone has some advice for how to wind
the 1/4" piping through with a minimum of fuss [I tried it the other day,
got to about the 6th turn and had to unwind it...]

It is a 16 turn archimidian coil.

Thanks again, Simon