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Re: 200:1 Potential Transformer

Original poster: Tesla729@cs.com 

In a message dated 12/2/00 7:12:54 PM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

<< I am looking at being able to limit the
 current on the 120 side to 14-20A, but should I run this at full voltage (it
 produced 24KV from 120)? Would it be better to run it at 80-90V input at
 14-20A? I am just not sure and I do not wnat to kill a perfectly good
 transformer by overloading it (does anybody have an idea of the current
 handling capacity on these things?). >>

Hi Jason,

Wow, a 24 kV PT! I'm drooling with envy! Assuming that you utilize
some reasonable type of input ballasting, I don't think that you will
have to worry about "killing" your PT. I have two 60:1 (7200 volt) PTs
that I was using to power my large Tesla system ( till they were re-
placed with a 10 kVA pig ) and they seem indestructible. They are
of course designed for 7.2 kV but their insulation rating is for 110 kV!
I've punished them mercilessly in ways that would have killed an NST
long ago, and they just grinned  at me and begged for more! As I said, 
the only reason they were replaced was to make room for the pig. They 
are still very functional. BTW, mine are only rated at 1 kVA each @ 30*C,
but I normally ran them at  least 5X that with no detectable external 
heating or any other ill-effects for that matter. But just remember, they
are NOT internally current limited in any way and they will draw an ex-
tremely high current that will quickly trip out your circuit overload pro-
tection device if they are shorted with no external current limiting. AND,
they are beyond deadly as an electrocution hazard, so be careful!

Keeping 'em Sparking in Memphis,
David Rieben