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RE: mmc questions

As far as I recall, RadioShack does not carry the metalized polypropaline
caps that are used in a typical MMC. Wish we did cause then I could have
gotten a decent employee discount   :)
So, while I don't know what kind you have, if they are from RS, chances are
they are not suitable. Do you have a Catalog Number anywhere on them, such
as 272-XXXX or an RSU Cat. No.?

But getting the right combo of strings is a multi-step affair. First,
determine the tank capacitance based on your NST value. Check the value
using Wintesla. Then use Stan Darling's table calculator at terry's website
to find the number of series caps and the number of strings to get the tank

Then you can run Terry's MMC basic program to check the voltage...to make
sure the combination of strings etc is robust enough.

Basically its a lot of math, formulas etc before you worry about what you
need to buy or scrounge. As someone in NYC said to me way back in December
"Do the math." Unless you do, you will waste time and money.

Hope I've helped a bit.

Ted R.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com]
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 1:08 PM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: mmc questions

Original poster: "Jeremiah" <jmeizis-at-metallicafan-dot-com> 

i was wondering.  What kind of capacitors work well.  I have a bunch of 6kv
222mF capacitors from radio shack lying around and i wanted to know if
those were useable.  If i have a 12/30mA nst what rating should the mmc be
when i am finished.  Any help is well appreciated

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