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flexible ducting

 I'm planning to make a large flexible aluminum duct toroid for tuning,
measuring and development purposes of my big coil, SPCP-1, until I have the
time & money to build a hard tubing toroid ala Greg Leyh:

 I've seen it posted that 12" flexible ducting is available, but so far
nobody I've called carries it.  I've checked local hardware stores,
builder's suppliers, HVAC contractor's supply houses, and Grainger.  I'd
have checked McMaster-Carr out of desperation, but my McM-C catalog seems to
have grown legs.  (besides, Grainger and McM-C are overpriced)

 Anyone in Colorado have a good source, or failing that, a _really_ good
price on a mail-order source?  (since I'll have to pay shipping and
insurance)  I don't want to pay a lot, since this won't be the final toroid
anyway, and the darned things are so fragile (easily dented) too.

 Speaking of which, has anyone played with filling a flexible metal duct
toroid with two-part expanding foam?  What about heavy copper plating of an
inner tube?  

(I'm not going to try that for my big toroid, but it might be practical for
a smaller one, if you don't mind messing about with acid, high current DC
supplies, and copper sulfate)

- Gomez (Bill Lemieux)

"The most fundamental human right is ownership of your body.
If you cannot do with it as you please, you are not yet free."
                                 - W. A. Lemieux