
Special E-Tesla5 - Was: Method of measuring self C of secondary

At 01:45 AM 04/27/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Terry and all,   (combined reply)
>It hard to keep with Terry's prodigious output.  Thanks for the measurement
>and mods to T5 or is it T6 with an option of voltage weighted  self (vwsC or
>medC) or  self C (true or LC bridge C).  Does it  now output the self C
>along the coil if so can I have a copy.  Should very useful.   How about a
>output for mathcad.  Does it now produce self C (true) of the topload. You
>should set the primary V to 0v because you dont know the phase relative to
>the secondary so zero will give the least error.

Hi Bob,

I made a "special" version of E-Tesla5.11 that does all this.  I have not
checked everything but I think it all works.


You can tell it to do either the Tesla coil voltage distribution or set
everything to 1 volt for the "true C" calculation.  You can also specify a
section in the z axis to set the voltage normally and it will zero out the
rest of the voltages on the coil.  Thus, you can find the capacitance
contribution of different sections along the secondary like I did a few
days ago.  You simply input the lower and upper section distance above the
ground.  It should be able to handle practically any situation.  It can do
bare, terminated, and dual terminal coils.

The primary voltage is always normally set to zero.  It acts like a nearby
grounded object.  You can simply specify zero height above ground for the
primary to remove it from the calculation.

I also output the protection matrix to an *.XLS file mostly for diagnostic
purposes but it does show exactly where the coil is in the output files
which is sometimes useful.

I fixed the 2/3 pi^2 constant, made a the radius definition more precise,
and fixed a typo too.  It is theoretically about 0.5% more accurate now.

Since this is more of a special research version I will keep it separate
from the current normal 5.11 version which I just added the accuracy fix too.


