
Re: site update + filter question


and thanks for the help with the RC filter!
I'll get the new resistors this week. 150W dissipation in resistors from a
150W NST was really a bit off... ;o)

I had the R values so high because I had rectification and 4.7uF 4kVDC
elko cap before the filter, and thought the resistors could limit the
elko current when the SG is closed (in order to have the energy delivered
by NST during primary ringing go to some storage place, not just a short

Does anyone have schematics how good current limiting for DC coils
and storage capacitor could be achieved? 

>From Marco D. I already got good info on how to calculate a storage
inductance, but it get's so big that my twin portable coil woulnd't be
portable after adding that one... And with small value resistors (>50mA
current, contrast to 50mA max from NST), the elko would discharge pretty
fast... Are there other options?


 Jan Florian Wagner