
Re: I Need Help!

In a message dated 4/22/00 4:29:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla-at-pupman-dot-com 

>  My coil was giving about 5 inches then its dropped to about 1/2 an inch now
>  it hardly works at all - the spark gap sort of fizzes with a faint purple
>  arc but it will ony jump about 1/2mm. I think the may be something wrong
>  with my NST one side jumps about 3/4 of an inch to ground and the other
>  jumps about 1/4 but it only did that before and it worked.


Did you try cleaning the gap?  Oxides can bridge, or semi-bridge, the
gaps and cause a drastic decrease in output.  If that doesn't help,
then the NST must be just too far gone, or things are shorting out,

John Freau