New JHCTES Ver 3.0 TC Computer Program
To All -
I am back on the Tesla List after an absence of about a year. However, I
have been monitoring the List and keeping up with the TC news. One of the
projects I have been working on is a new Ver 3.0 of the JHCTES TC computer
program. This version has been changed to conform better to Internet use and
will be available free to download. Many thanks to my son John J. for doing
the programing job.
The Ver 3.0 will have less parameters than the older versions but will still
have the main feature of the JHCTES and that is the computer will do all of
the necessary calculations to guarantee the parameters are always in tune at
the resonant operating frequency when changes are made.
Do you hate to have to do the math? Well now with the JHCTES program almost
anyone can design a Tesla coil that is guaranteed to be in tune without
having to do a single calculation. Of course, there are many other calcs
necessary in Tesla coil design, however, all the basic calcs are in the
JHCTES program. The program uses the Wheeler. Medhurst, and other standard
The new JHCTES Ver 3.0.7 computer program will be available in about a week.
Watch for an announcement on the List.
John H. Couture