
The secondary behavior

I haven't been fully following all the details of the various
transmission-line postings on this subject, but I'll toss out the
following that I just noticed:

Using the gated Wavetek 115 setup about which I've written, I applied,
this time, a pulse burst ~12 cycles long, at resonance of ~96 KHz.  

I put my 2nd scope probe about 1/2 way up on the secondary coil (coil
standing upright perhaps 18" above 3" concrete on (earth) grade.  

I noticed this interesting thing:  (Equalizing the 1/2-way and top
amplitudes as seen on the scope screen), the very first peak of the
half-way-up wave occurs ~2 us ahead of that at the top.  But then, within
2 cycles, it "catches up", and all subsequent cycles of mid vs. top are
>in phase<, including those while the coil rings after excitation ceases.

I also tried looking for any differences in the behavior of the 1st few
cycles (of the top signal) with a) driving resistance from the signal
generator varied between ~5 and 50 ohms and b) the top toroid in place or
not.  Readjusting the frequency for resonance as regards b), I couldn't
see any differences to speak of, with the 1st cycle spread all across the
scope screen.

But that half-way-up behavior intrigues me: could that be what's "slow"?

Just thought I'd muddy the water a bit.  And you're right, Terry...this
horse ain't dead!

Ken Herrick
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