
Re: Solid state spark length record?

Hi Gary,

Wow, 57 inches in one shot mode !!!  I know Alan Sharp has done
considerable work in this area,  and has obtained some impressive results.
I don't know what his maximum spark length is.

Are you going to present the research of the solid state driver either on
the internet or "For Sale" in a scientific paper ?  I would certainly buy
a copy.

May I ask what the peak power is during the "gated-on" time ?  Also are
you running the inverter at high voltage,  or do you use a matching
transformer to match it to the base of the resonator ?

I beleive the solid state arrangement must have great potential for 
research purposes,  such as the investigations into the effect of
repetition rate that John Freau mentioned.

Are you able to increase the firing rate from 2 bangs per second ?  I
would think the spark length would increase considerably as arcs grow upon
previously ionised channels ????

I look forward to reading future developments,

On Sun, 16 Apr 2000, Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Gary Johnson" <gjohnson-at-ksu.edu> 
> Who holds the record for spark length to a grounded object from a solid
> state driven Tesla coil?  I hit 57 inches recently before a group of over 50
> people. I was direct driving an Extra coil at about 2 sparks per second with
> an IGBT inverter.
> Gary Johnson