
Re: Potential Transformer Sources

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Herwig Roscher" <herwig.roscher-at-gmx.de>
> Max Erhard wrote:
> > What kind of MOT's are potted in resin, I haven't seen any ?
> Max,
> Maybe "potted" is the wrong word. Sorry.
> The MOT's immersed in a kind of hot, clear varnish/resin. After the
> air is pumped out, the varnish fills all of the space between the
> turns and between the windings and the core. After removal of the
> MOT the varnish hardens. Therefore oil wouldn't provide any
> additional insulation.
> How do you call this process which is indeed very similar to the
> treatment of rolled/horizontally stacked polycaps?
> Bye             Herwig

	In my experience the process is called "vacuum impregnation".  It's
most important benefit, if it's done properly, is to exclude air from
the inter-winding space, eliminating failures due to corona and
insulation degradation. Very important for capacitors as well as
transformers and inductors.

