
Transformers - Testing, Comparing, etc.

	I finally got the 250KV potential transformer, as was talked about
previously on the list.  I would again like to thank all of those who
helped, it is exactly what you predicted!  I took a quick Polaroid tonight,
and put it on my web page.  It can be seen at
http://www.geocities-dot-com/ajaxindustries/infoarea/trans.htm, as well as the
specifications.  Now for my questions -

For my next coiling project (8") I am still deciding on an input
transformer, and these are my options:

The Transformer inside the large potential transformer (above).  The unit as
a whole is only rated at 150 Watts, which isn't too good.  Would it be
possible to extract more power from it?  From what I can see, it has one
large HV bushing, and it looks like four or six smaller outputs (on the
unit, the output was labeled 115/66.4//115/66.4).  Could I use the outputs
in parallel for more power in the reverse direction?  Also, there was a
capacitor inside rated at only 4000 vac, which has led be to believe that
that is the voltage of the smaller(step down) transformer.  If that is
indeed the case then I would have to extract a lot of current to make it of
any use.  It is still in the back of my friend's dad's truck, but I should
have it for testing tomorrow (4/14).  Also, I am curious as to what the
specs. listed on the web page are for - CIR KV, Max. Work. KV, IMP KV,
MUF(microfarads, but what is it measuring?)?  What is your opinion on this
transformer? Can I assume that the all of the caps are not for TC use, based
on the 60 cycle rating?

Secondly - I have several NSTs that I have depotted, and modified.  One is
15,000/60, the two others are 15,000/30.  I believe that if I put these in
parallel, it would be a good supply.  My questions regarding these are as
follows -
1. How can I test the current output of them after modification?  I have
found that connecting a meter across the outputs, or on one side of a
spark-gap does not work.
2. Once I figure out their individual capacities, how would I go about
correctly phasing them in parallel (I know these questions have been asked,
but the pupman server seems to be down).
I assume that these modified NSTs would make an O.K. Supply for an 8" coil?

Thank You,

-Andy Cleary