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Re: disaster (i think)?

Don't be sad Marc.  I've never, ever, wound a
"perfect" secondary, and they have all worked great. 
I have four well-tested secondaries in my collection
at the moment, and all of them have minor
imperfections, including little gaps in the windings. 
They all function perfectly with no hint of breakdown
or racing sparks.  Urethane the thing, let it dry, and
pour the coal to it.  If you have a proper sized
toroid on top, and if you don't overcouple it, it'll
do fine.

Best Regards,


--- Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com> wrote:
> Original poster: "Metlicka Marc"
> <mystuffs@orwell.net> 
> all,
> today i put a coat of insulating varnish on the 3000
> turn coil, what i
> saw sickened me. i thought i was so careful to get
> the wire tight
> together but after the varnish at least a hundred?
> gaps showed up in the
> windings. not really the width of a wire but there
> there.
> there is no crossed wires but i'm not sure if the
> gaps will kill it or
> not? it goes about two inches real tight and then a
> gap, then maybe a
> half inch, another gap and so on.
> will covering it in urethane help, or can i expect
> it to burn?
> any help will be grateful,  sad marc.

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