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Re: Tesla coil applications
"Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com> on 29.08.2000 04:41:44
To: tesla@pupman.com
cc: (bcc: Marco Denicolai/MARTIS)
Subject: Re: Tesla coil applications
Original poster: "Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz" <acmq@compuland.com.br>
Tesla list wrote:
>I think that very probably these systems would not be made today
>with capacitor-discharge, spark gap systems. There is no need of
>great power, and a fully electronic system is more controllable.
There is plenty of solutions employed, some use also (triggered) spark gaps.
Check it out.
>These are the high energy pulse generators that I mentioned. Do you
>have the complete references?
Here they are:
[Bus87] Bussey, J.: Report of Atlas/Centaur-67/FLTSATCOM F-6 investigation
board. Vol. 2, NASA, 1987.
[Dam87] Damstra, G. C., Pettinga, J. A. J.: A six pulse kV Tesla transformer.
Fifth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, paper 62.13/1-3,
2, 1987.
[God70] Godfrey, R.,Mathews, E. R. & al.: Analysis of Apollo 12 lightning
accident. NASA MSC-01540, 1970.
[Gub97] Gubanov, V. P., Korovin, S. D. & al.: Compact 1000 PPS High-Voltage
nanosecond pulse generator. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, p. 258 - 65,
vol. 25, no. 2, 1997.
[Har98] Hardt, N., Koenig, D.: Testing of insulating materials at high
frequencies and high voltage based on the Tesla transformer principle.
Conference record of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical
Insulation, p. 517 - 20, vol. 2, 1998.
[Hof75] Hoffmann, C. R. J.: A Tesla transformer high-voltage generator.
of Scientific Instruments, p. 1 - 4, vol. 46, no. 1, 1975.
[Les77] Les Renardieres Group: Positive discharges in long air gaps. Electra
53, p. 31 - 132, 1977.
[Les81] Les Renardieres Group: Negative discharges in long air gaps. Electra
74, p. 67 - 216, 1981.
[Mat82] Matsuzawa, H., Suganomata, S.: Design charts for
Tesla-transformer-type relativistic electron beam generators. Review of
Scientific Instruments, p. 694 - 96, vol. 53, no. 5, 1982.
[Mes95] Mesyats, G. A., Shpak, V. G. & al.: RADAN-EXPERT portable
accelerator. Tenth IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, p. 539 -543,
vol. 1, 1995.
[Phu91] Phung, B.T.,Blackburn, T.R. & al.: Tesla Transformer Design and
Application in Insulator Testing. Seventh International Symposium on High
Voltage Engineering, p. 133 - 36, vol. 5, 1991.
[Uma87] Uman, M. A.: The lightning discharge. Academic Press, 1987.
[Wat96] Waters, R.T.: The long spark and lightning simulation. IEE Colloquium
on Advances in HV Technology, p. 4/1 - 4/3, no. 173, 1996.