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Re: spark plug wires???

On that fateful day 8/24/00 7:53 PM, thus spake Tesla list:

> Original poster: "David Dean" <deano@corridor.net>
> Hi Danny,
> While some folks use spark plug wire to hook up primary circuits, it will
> only work on a small coil because of the small diameter of the wire.

 Clarification: copper-core (non-resistive) spark plug wire is fine for the
connection between the HV tranny and the tank circuit.  Those connections
are not, strictly speaking, part of the tank circuit.

 The current paths which need lots of copper in them (preferably, lots of
surface area) are the ones between the capacitor, spark gap, and primary.

 Incidentally, there is a high-performance sort of spark plug wire which
consists of copper wire spiral-wound around a (possibly magnetic) core.  The
idea of course is that the wire forms an inductor and reduces RF
interference.  I was always skeptical that there could be enough inductance
in such a plug wire to make any difference, but I've met at least one HF
(lower frquency short wave bands) amateur radio operator who swore by them.

 Incidentally, the cheapest source for plug wire that I've found is the J.C.
Whitney mail order catalog.  You can find ads for it in the back of most car
enthusiast magazines.

- Gomez A.D.D.ams

Gomez A.D.D.ams: Owl House webmaster, uber-fetishist, netgoth, anarchist.
Arkoff Kapacitor: sociopath, crypto-anarchist, follower of Nikola Tesla.
Dr. Hevea Brasiliensis: brain-damaged mysogynist and fetish researcher.
Bill Lemieux: fanboy, gothoid, fetishist, nerd, amateur writer, human.