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Re: Is this a good circuit for a tesla coil. Any suggestions

on that fateful day 8/23/00 7:59 PM, Tesla list uttered:

> Original poster: "acmnovak" <acmnovak@email.msn.com>
>> about how long could you run that before it started to heat up.?
> 'Till the cows come home...
> I've never experienced any heating whatsoever with this setup.
> Note: you should modify the coil before using in a tesla coil setup... Just
> remove the ground wire from it's conjunction with the primary and make sure
> it finds it's way to a good ground.

OK, I'll bite: how do you disconnect the ground wire of the secondary of an
automotive ignition coil, when said wire & connection are inside a
crimp-sealed steel can?

- Gomez

It it weird in here, or is it just me?