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Re: Ok, what is an LTR cap.
>Original poster: "Garry F." <garryfre@pacbell.net>
>What does LTR stand for?
>Latent tank Resonator?
>Laughing Tan Rodents?
lol, Larger Than Resonant
There is a list of acronyms for Tesla use on our site (opps, rewrote the
site) alright there WILL be a Tesla Lexicon on our site in a few hours (or
days, whenever I remember to yell at Eclipse) lol. This is a hobby FULL of
Larger Than Resonant means simply that the tank cap is signifigantly larger
than it needs to be to perform tesla duty. This is frequently done in rotary
gap coils used with PIGs.
hey, is PIG an acronym? Or just based on the appearance? I have always heard
of the residential horizontal LP-Gas tanks being called Pigs because they
LOOK like Pigs. Pole mount Transformers look more like goats...or perhaps a
chinchilla.....even a Bat...but not a Pig really.
Alright, I need sleep....
Christopher A. Boden Geek#1
President / C.E.O. / Alpha Geek
The Geek Group
Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!
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