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RE: mmc questions

Original Message
From: "Tesla list"<tesla@pupman.com>
Subject: RE: mmc questions
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 18:32:55 -0600

>Original poster: "Ted Rosenberg" <Ted.Rosenberg@radioshack.com> 
>As far as I recall, RadioShack does not carry the metalized polypropaline
>caps that are used in a typical MMC. Wish we did cause then I could have
>gotten a decent employee discount   :)
>So, while I don't know what kind you have, if they are from RS, chances are
>they are not suitable. Do you have a Catalog Number anywhere on them, such
>as 272-XXXX or an RSU Cat. No.?
>But getting the right combo of strings is a multi-step affair. First,
>determine the tank capacitance based on your NST value. Check the value
>using Wintesla. Then use Stan Darling's table calculator at terry's website
>to find the number of series caps and the number of strings to get the tank
>Then you can run Terry's MMC basic program to check the voltage...to make
>sure the combination of strings etc is robust enough.
>Basically its a lot of math, formulas etc before you worry about what you
>need to buy or scrounge. As someone in NYC said to me way back in December
>"Do the math." Unless you do, you will waste time and money.
>Hope I've helped a bit.
>Ted R.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
>Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 1:08 PM
>To: tesla@pupman.com
>Subject: mmc questions
>Original poster: "Jeremiah" <jmeizis@metallicafan.com> 
>i was wondering.  What kind of capacitors work well.  I have a bunch of 6kv
>222mF capacitors from radio shack lying around and i wanted to know if
>those were useable.  If i have a 12/30mA nst what rating should the mmc be
>when i am finished.  Any help is well appreciated
>Free email with personality! Over 200 domains!

the capacitors i have are ceramic model number 900-xxxx i think maybe 7218.
Where are metalized polypropaline caps or doorknob caps available at.

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