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Avalon-Preliminary Business Plan and Coil Ideas
This email is going out to about 1000 people, for those of you on the Tesla
List please remember to address all non-Tesla related replies off list.
Greg (yeah...THE Greg, of LOD) has approached me about designing the Avalon
Coil to the theoretical limit. What are your thoughts? I think it's a great
(but risky) idea. The idea of spending hundreds of thousands on a project
that may or may not work is rather scary. But that IS what the Geek Group is
for, Advanced Research into areas that other people cannot study due to lack
of facilities, time, or funding.
If you think that other guy had a rant when HIS coil didn't work....imagine
mine :)
We have been working for about 3 days straight on the basic business plan
for Avalon. It's still full of holes, but progress is being made at a good
rate and I'm pleased with my results. What I'm asking for is the collective
imagination of all of you (yeah, mouse potato, YOU!) to help fill in some of
the holes. What are the things I'm missing? What would YOU, as a tesla (or
whatever) scientist and researcher like to have access to at Avalon? What do
you think of the class pricing? The classes offered? The facilities? Keep in
mind that if I had MY way the classes would be free, but we DO have to
afford things like lightbulbs and toilet paper, heat and electricity, floppy
disks and hamburgers. I tried to price the clases according to what I see in
other (somewhat similar) institutions. Have you SEEN what it costs to go to
Space Camp? WOW!
I'm also looking for letters of reccomendation to seld out to our
fundraisers. Not so much for me, but for the feasibility of the idea. The
bean counters are not Geeks, they have no idea about the need for a facility
like this, they need to hear it from you. If I can get 100 letters of
reccomendation for the idea it goes a LONG way in making the feasibility
study a LOT easier. Please help, it's not often I ask something like this
from the entire membership of the Group or the entire Tesla List. But this
is the first time EVER that the entirity of BOTH orginisations has the power
to dramatically affect the outcome of a common goal. I'm bulding the Avalon
complex for you guys. If you want it, I need your help.
Here's what we have so far.
PS, anyone who wants to sort out the numbers in the budget, feel free! lol,
they've been changed and revised so many times the totals and subtotals are
screwed and I have to do them all over.....arggghhh :)
Christopher A. Boden
President / CEO
The Geek Group
Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!
The Geek Group
Avalon Complex
Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!
Geek Group Mission Statement:
1. To better the state of the art of science and technology through
education, experimentation, and research.
2. To provide a safe environment for individuals of all ages to come and
learn without the limitations of a standard classroom environment.
3. To provide a positive influence on the community through youth education,
public involvement, and public works.
4. To keep an open mind and perform research in areas that can't be studied
by for-profit corporations because they have to show a profit and justify
every dime spent, while staying true to the scientific method and avoiding
areas of "Pseudo-Science", weapons research, and other areas that go against
the positive development of the human race.
5. To provide a powerful resource for the technically adept, through our
archives, research facility, and projects.
6. To provide the facilities and projects to educate members in countless
skills in the areas of science and technology.
7. To change the world, and have fun doing it.
Who we are:
The Geek Group is a large collection of individuals of all ages (mostly
college students) from all over the world who have been brought together for
one simple purpose, to have fun while learning and sharing that knowledge
for a positive impact on mankind.
We are the last refuge for the Geeks of this world. A Geek is someone
who has a great desire to tinker with one or usually many areas of science
and technology. The kid who lives to write code and knows HTML tags and
hexadecimal colour codes by heart. The girl who loves nothing more than to
breadboard a circuit she designed to control the security alarm she put in
her locker. The10 year old who spends hours dragging home a computer from
school that weighed 300 pounds (and broke his skateboard in the process),
just to take it apart. The 14 year old who made $200 for writing the Email
program in 1991 (that his school uses to this day). These are all Geeks, and
they are all wonderful.
If you've ever dreamed in FOR-TRAN, dragged home something to take it
apart because you can get "parts" from it, been able to appreciate the
beauty of computer code, or driven a $500 car with a $2000 stereo system
(that you installed yourself, of course), then relax, you're fine.
You're a Geek.
It's okay, you're not alone, we’re here to help you. Sit back, grab your
Jones Soda, and read on.
What we do:
We get together to design and build fun and interesting scientific
projects, which we use for educational demonstrations to teach people about
science and technology. We do these demonstrations in schools, public
events, and other places for fun and to raise money for further Group
projects and operations.
We market our collective skills in various areas of science and
technology (web development, think tank contracts, corporate training,
custom computer systems, etc...) to fund our projects and make money for our
members. This is a powerful resume builder for our members, many of whom
have gone off to secure permanent positions in some high-profile companies
(C.G.I., Microsoft, Sencon, Paramadia, Pharmacia-Upjohn, Amway, etc...) Many
others have started their businesses as a result of their education in the
We're not in this to get rich. We get to play with bleeding edge, state
of the art technology. We *know* what a lot of the things you will be using
in your computers, cars, and daily lives will be in 5 years, we've been
playing with them for 6 months :)
We provide a powerful resource for the technically adept. We do product
reviews and testing in Real World conditions. Who cares if the seek time on
my new hard drive is 7mS, will it take being in my poorly cooled case in
august? These are the things we find out. We post reviews to our site on new
products on a regular basis, and update those reviews often.
We know where to shop for all kinds of goodies, from Athalons to Argon
Lasers, and where to avoid. We keep a healthy list of the good guys, and the
shysters, just to help level the playing field. You'd be amazed at how many
idiots own a computer shop, and how many people think they can run a 300%
markup and stay in business. We also report all our findings to the Better
Business Bureau for investigation.
We have an incredibly motivated crew, a company unlike any other in the
world where all the rules of Corporate America have been thrown away and we
have streamlined our entire organizational structure to only 3 levels of
management (GM has 17!). We have fun, love what we do, and are bettering the
state of the art, and the world, everyday.
Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!
The Avalon facility is a 30 acre complex of 16 interconnected buildings
straddling the Portage creek in Kalamazoo Michigan. It is the international
headquarters of The Geek Group. Formerly a large paper mill, the oldest
buildings date back to the 1880's and the site was once part of the
Underground Railroad.
From it's former life as a paper mill the facility is severely
contaminated and is listed on the E.P.A.'s Superfund list. The Geek Group is
launching a multi-million-dollar environmental cleanup effort to restore the
site to a pristine condition.
When the 15 year construction / remodel is finished the Avalon complex
will house 500 students in it's own dorms. The dorms will be wired into our
state of the art network complete with OC-3 Internet connection. Each dorm
room is spacious and comes complete with private bathrooms and showers.
There will also be on-site housing for 100 members of live-in faculty,
staff, and guests. We will boast the largest state of the art research and
educational facility of its type on earth. Some of the facilities are to
include the following...
Facility Description:
As you turn onto the street you see the complex open up around you. Filling
over 10 city blocks it’s size in astonishing at first because just a block
away you couldn’t even tell it was there. Sitting in the center of a quiet
residential neighborhood, Avalon is a bustling island of activity.
As your turn into the parking lot for the offices, a security guard directs
you to visitor parking. The entire complex is kept secure for the safety of
our students, faculty, and staff. All visitors must pass through the offices
for admission onto the grounds.
All visitors must prominently wear an I.D. tag. Anyone not wearing a tag (or
a bracelet) will be immediately escorted off grounds. Some of the research
we do is on cutting edge technologies; there are quite a few people who have
made billions stealing ideas before the completion of the patented process.
And the safety of our students and security of our research is paramount.
The security guards at Avalon are licensed police officers that work for
the Group. Each one has been trained in many other areas as well. Their main
function at Avalon is to ensure safety; but the training for them is
specific to our needs and very rigorous. They are all trained in sign
language, high-voltage safety, advanced emergency medicine, and a second
language other than English. Our officers continually receive training in
order for them to constantly improve their abilities and function at the
Avalon complex.
High Voltage Labs (H.V.L.)
The very first building to be remodeled, the H.V.L. was originally designed
as a coal-fired-steam power plant that supplied superheated steam to heat
the entire complex as well as all the electricity. The boilers will be
removed and the building completely remodeled into a state of the art
facility that will include Tesla Coils of all sizes, a M.A.R.X. Generator,
large Van De Graff Generator, and every other conceivable high voltage
research tool.
Physics Labs:
Computer Hardware Labs:
With everything from a 256-machine Beowulf cluster all the way down to an
Apple II, students will have the opportunity to learn and experiment with
every type and size of computer. We will hold classes in everything from how
to assemble and setup your own computer (where, after you graduate the
class, you keep the brand new computer) to advanced computer design for
workstations and servers.
Computer Software Labs:
Where the Elite Geeks meet to compile the test suite. With opportunities to
work in every language on every OS on earth this is a code writer's dream
come true. A wickedly fast computer and an infinite supply of cola, what
more could a hacker ask?
Computer Animation Labs:
Computer Security Labs:
Where Hackers come to play without having to worry about that pesky F.B.I.,
Secret service, and a 25 year prison term. We pit a team of Hackers against
a team of Security experts on our own closed (there is no access to the
computer from outside the room) computer system. After a week in their
teams, the roles are reversed. This is some of the best training for future
computer security professionals.
Chemistry Labs:
One of the first labs to come on line will be the chemistry labs. One of the
buildings in the complex is already outfitted with several chem. labs,
complete with fume-hoods and all other built-in gear. We plan to have these
set-up and operational within our first year.
Vehicular Sciences Labs (V.S.L.)
Run by a 30-year professional veteran to the Drag racing world, students
will be able to take part in the actual construction and operation of a
professionally built dragster. From starting with chucks of metal and
turning it into a finished racecar, students will learn many aspects of
science including Physics, Fluid dynamics, Thermodynamics, Mechanical
engineering, Safety, Machine shop work, and Electronics. In the next few
years we will even professionally tour a Group sponsored Top-Fuel drag
racing team, comprised completely of students of the Group.
The Avalon Coil:
Towering above the complex, just behind the H.V.L. you see what looks like
a grain-silo with a giant doughnut on top. At over a hundred feet tall the
Avalon Coil is a giant monolith built to do one simple thing. It makes some
of the longest electrical discharges ever made by humans. Continuous arcs
over a hundred feet long stream out from the top when the system is in use.
The sight of this much power is absolutely breathtaking. It’s like watching
a thunderstorm from inside the clouds.
One of the worlds largest Tesla Coils, the Avalon Coil will operate at power
levels up to 1,000,000 watts creating lightning bolts up to 150' in length
from the top of the tower. The discharges can be seen for miles and will be
used for some of the most advanced Tesla research on the planet.
Robotics Labs:
S.E.T.I. and Radio Astronomy Labs:
Asking the greatest question mankind can possibly ask, "Are we alone in
the Universe?" The only way to find out is to listen. With our large array
of synchronized dish antennae, we will join the great S.E.T.I. project in an
attempt to find "the Truth out there".
Environmental Sciences Labs:
Given the Groups stand on environmental issues it seems natural for us
to provide a long-term solution and cleanup effort to the Avalon facility.
Not only will we be dedicating years to the cleanup effort, but we're making
use of this opportunity to do some research into better ways to curb
pollution and clean up the mess that's already there.
Laser / Optics Labs
Natatorium / Fluid Dynamics Labs:
Boasting a 1,000,000-gallon Olympic sized swimming pool we will also
have several other tanks for training and experimentation. Tanks will
include a 30'deep dive pool, a 3'deep 80' long shallow tank, and accessories
like a gantry crane, and wave machine. These pools are equally suited for
swimming laps in your spare time, to testing prototypical hydrofoils and
Telecommunications Labs:
Any possible way of communicating is studied here. From Telegraph to
microwave uplink, to laser beams bounced off of windows, this is the place
the Ham radio nuts come to learn and explore. This lab works hand in hand
with out S.E.T.I. Labs as well as other projects. Students can build Crystal
radios that never need batteries, all the way to doing Fox and Hound hunts
with a radio beacon (a great way to practice search and rescue).
Staff Housing:
Revenue Generation Means
The Avalon Facility will have facilities for 1000 live in students, with
another 2000 part time students. Classes will run in durations from as short
as a single day to yearlong projects and 5 year advanced research projects.
Preliminary Class Pricing:
Basic Day Pass $20.00
For school field trips, families, and general tours of various demos. A day
pass entitles the person to 1 full day in any of the public areas of the
Avalon Complex. They are free to attend any demos (a regular daily
occurrence in all of the labs). They may sit in on any open seats in any
lecture hall for any class, provided that there are open seats when the
entire class is in attendance. It’s like Disney Land for Geeks.
1 Day Class $25.00 - $50.00
1-Day classes are usually done as an intro to one of our larger classes.
They are done so that the prospective student may “get a feel” for the
unusual environment of The Geek Group before making a significant commitment
of time to a class.
1-Day classes are also done for private groups and schools in various
fields. A science teacher may bring in a class of 30 kids for a 4-hour
afternoon class in High Voltage to augment a chapter in electricity in their
home school.
1-Day classes are also done for individuals wishing to learn more about a
given area without getting too involved. Many individuals would like to
attend a single afternoon class in learning the tips and tricks of Windows
98. They have no need to become “Power Users” or elite Hackers with a
complete mastery of every aspect of a computer. They just want to know how
to make the CD player work better. 1- Day classes fill this void, and thusly
are very popular.
1 Week Class $50.00 - $800.00
Much like “Space Camp” we will hold a number of year round 1 week classes
in all areas of Group education where students can come in and get a more
advanced grasp of a given subject without the intensity of a longer
Some of these classes would include basic projects and related activities.
Students may take a basic engineering class with the project being a “Bridge
Building” or “Egg drop” contest.
Specific Class Pricing and Description:
1-Day General Admission $25.00
1-Day Classes:
1-Day classes last 4 hours. Running from 0900hrs to 1200hrs and from 1300hrs
to 1700hrs. They are priced from $25 to $50, and give the student a general
idea of the specific subject
Intro to Computer Hardware $45.00
Students will
Intro to Computer Software Development $35.00
Intro to Computer Security $50.00
Intro to Computer Animation $35.00
Intro to Virtual Reality $25.00
Intro to Computer Networking $35.00
Intro to Lasers and Optics $45.00
Intro to Advanced Race Vehicle Design $40.00
Intro to Chemistry $35.00
Intro to High Voltage Sciences $50.00
Intro to High Voltage Design $50.00
Intro to Tesla Engineering $50.00
Intro to Music Recording and Production $45.00
Intro to Robotics and Mechanical Engineering $25.00
Intro to S.E.T.I. and Radio-Astronomy $30.00
1-Week Classes
1 Week Classes last 25 hours and run Monday through Friday from 1200hrs to
1700hrs. They are priced from $100 to $500 and feature complete project
classes, simple certification in various software environments, and
supplemental school classes.
Many of the custom corporate software training classes are done as one-week
classes. All of the intermediate classes (continuations of the 1 day intro
classes) are held on the 1-week basis.
For students that are not from the immediate area room and board is
available for 1-week students for a $100 fee. Housing is in the dorms, but
separate from our long term live in students.
High Voltage Safety Certification $200
Machine Shop Safety Certification $200
High Altitude and Confined Space Safety Certification $200
Intermediate Computer Software Development $300
Intermediate Computer Security $500
Intermediate Computer Animation $300
Intermediate Virtual Reality $200
Intermediate Computer Networking $300
Intermediate Lasers and Optics $400
Intermediate Advanced Race Vehicle Design $400
Intermediate Chemistry $300
Intermediate High Voltage Sciences $500
Intermediate High Voltage Design $500
Intermediate Tesla Engineering $500
Intermediate Music Recording and Production $450
Intermediate Robotics and Mechanical Engineering $500
Intermediate S.E.T.I. and Radio-Astronomy $250
Custom Corporate Software Training (C.C.S.T.) $250-500
Physics Egg Drop Competition $200
Tiger Team Hacking Competition $300
Mechanical Engineering Bridge Building Competition $200
Rube Goldberg Breakfast Competition $400
Junkyard War Competition $400
Robot War Competition $500
Laser Maze Competition $400
1-Month Classes
The 1-Month classes are comprised of a 100-hour course (5 days a week, 5
hours a day) given from 1200hrs to 1700hrs and are priced from $1000 to
$2500 Some of our basic Summer Science Camp classes are within the 1-Month
curriculum, though the more advanced S.S.C. classes are done in the 3-Month
class curriculum. The 1-Month classes comprise the main portion of our
simple project oriented classes, as well as our intermediate competitions.
Room and board is available for all 1-Month classes at a cost of $250 per
Tesla Coil Design and Construction $1800
Advanced Robot Wars $1500
Advanced Chemistry $1000
Advanced Computer Animation $1500
Advanced High Voltage Design $1800
Recording and Production (finished album) $2000
Robotics Design and Engineering $1800
Advanced S.E.T.I. and Radio Astronomy $1000
Long Term Studies:
Long Term Studies comprises the upper echelon of our curriculum. These are
students who are interested in making a serious commitment to their
education in a particular field. These students most often become live-in
full time students with classes ranging from 3-Months to 4 (or more) years.
These are the students who come in more for the opportunity to perform
advanced research in a given field than to just take classes. Most of the
long term students are on project oriented (rather than grade oriented)
classes. Prices for these classes vary depending on the specific needs and
desires of the particular student, but range from $250 to $700 a month with
$250 a month additional to live in the dorms.
Long term students also have full access to the grounds and labs in their
off hours. They are free to work any hours they like around classes to do
research or other things.
Advanced Tesla Coil and High Voltage Research
Advanced Tesla Turbine and Alternative Engine Research
Advanced Alternative Energy Research
Advanced Prototypical Fabrication and Design
Advanced Vehicular Research and Design
Advanced Computer Programming and Software Development
Advanced Computer Hardware Design and Construction
Advanced Computer Networking and Interconnectivity
Advanced Computer Security and Network Exploitation
Advanced Computer Animation
Advanced Recording and Production
Advanced Physics Research
Advanced Electromechanical Design
Advanced Chemistry
Advanced Robotics Design and Construction
Advanced S.E.T.I. and Radio-Astronomy Research
Corporate Project Research and development
Budgetary Breakdown: $280,822,000.00
Initial Property Purchase $100,000.00
Building Cleanout $150,000.00
Payroll: (per annum) $3,252,000.00
Executive Staff $52,000.00 (10) 520,000
President / C.E.O. $52,000.00
V.P. Operations $52,000.00
V.P. Fundraising $52,000.00
Treasurer $52,000.00
Office Staff $30,000.00 (10) 300,000
Receptionist $30,000.00
Assistant to the C.E.O. $30,000.00
H.R. Manager $30,000.00
Faculty $52,000.00 (25) 1,300,000
H.V.L. $52,000.00
H.V.L $52,000.00
Teachers’ Aides $30,000.00 (10) 200,000
Grounds $30,000.00 (10) 300,000
Security $20,000.00 (15) 300,000
Custodial $20,000.00 (10) 200,000
Truckdrivers $26,000.00 (2) 52,000
Nurse $30,000.00 30,000
Crew $15,000.00 (10) 150,000
Insurance: $290,000
Liability $35,000.00
Comprehensive Medical $225,000.00
Workman’s Comp $30,000.00
Heavy Equipment:
Generators $100,000.00
Bobcat $20,000.00
Big Truck $25,000.00
Small Truck (S-10) $20,000.00
Scissors Lift $15,000.00
Forklift (4ton) $25,000.00
Tractors (2 John Deere’s) $40,000.00
Grounds $15,000.00
Environmental Cleanup: $100,000,000.00
Offices: $400,000.00
H.V.L. $15,000.000.00
Mill-C $45,000.000.00
Mill-D $75,000,000.00
Mill-E $20,000.000.00
Electrical: $185,000.00
Plumbing: $50,000.00
Structural: $5,000,000.00
Grounds: $600,000.00
Dorms: $8,500,000.00
Misc: $200,000.00
High Voltage Labs: $1,117,000.00
The Avalon Coil $500,000.00
M.A.R.X. Generator $200,000.00
Van DeGraff Generator $100,000.00
Insulators $20,000.00
Wire & Cable $25,000.00
H.V.Tools $50,000.00
Sitka Spruce $12,000.00
HV Tables $5,000.00
HV Switchgear $25,000.00
HV Safety Gear $80,000.00
Lab Bench Equipment $100,000.00
Robotics Labs: $600,000.00
Vehicular Research Facility: $1,000,000.00
Recording Production Labs: $600,000.00
Chemistry Labs: $250,000.00
Glassware $20,000.00
Chemicals $20,000.00
Safety Gear $10,000.00
Lab Tools $80,000.00
Computer Hardware Labs: $650,000.00
Workstations: (25) $100,000.00 50 computers at $2K each
Servers (5) $50,000.00 5 computers at $10K each
Supercomputers (5) $100,000.00 5 computers at $20K each
Beowulf Cluster $350,000.00 256 machine cluster
Cabling $50,000.00
Printers $30,000.00
Networking Kit $50,000.00
Computer Software Labs: $200,000.00
S.E.T.I. and Radio Astronomy Labs: $500,000.00
Physics Labs: $475,000.00
Gyroshperes (5) $25,000.00
Hovercraft (2) $25,000.00
Powered Paragliders (2) $22,000.00
Lasers & Optics $300,000.00
Natatorium: $420,000.00
Food Court: $300,000.00
Machine Shop: $1,500,000.00
Vertical Mills
Horizontal Mill
Knee Mill
Drill Presses
Surface Grinder
Hand Tools
Capital Needs and Timeline:
Immediate Startup Needs: $250,000.00
Property Purchase $100,000
Operating Costs $50,000
Initial Cleanout and Remodel $100,000
Short Term Needs: $5,000,000.00
Capital campaign to be started immediately and last approximately 2 years.
This will result in our initial opening to the public and offering most of
our short-term classes (1-Day to 1-Week, non-live in). This will also bring
the HVL, Computer Labs, and V.S.R. Labs online.
Long Term Needs: $350,000.000.00
Capital Campaign to be started concomitant to completion of Short Term
Capital Campaign and last approximately 8 to 10 years. This will result in
the completion of the entire Avalon Complex and Environmental Rehabilitation
of the property.
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