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Re: Avalon - First Order Designs? Re: Avalon - First Order Designs?

>Original poster: "Greg Leyh" <lod@pacbell.net>
>Original poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
> > I have a working budget of $500,000.00 for the Avalon Coil. When the 
> > comes to build it, we'll hire an architect to solve the problems.
> >
> > Perhaps we could build a 1MVA version of the ALF ;)
>As imprudent as it might sound, I would suggest trying
>to leverage that money into building the ALF at the scale
>of greatest interest...  The fundamental design limit.
>A facility that operates at that limit (~5MVA) would be
>an incredibly useful research tool.

The fact that you have acknowledged the Avalon Facility at that level and 
with that point of view makes me feel incredible. Thank you Greg.

I had actually visited you site and throughly examined the ALF (as well as 
Bills 13M and Electrum) in thinking of the Avalon Coil. Electrum is too 
small , Bills is to historically accurate (I don't want wood frames), but 
the ALF I liked a lot. The only things keeping me from saying anything is a 
mixture of space requirements and knowing what would happed if I copped your 
design ;)

I would love to use the ALF design (with some modifications) because it 
solves the containment issues (the arcs go in a single main direction 
instead of random) not to mention a twin coil makes more sence in going for 
distance. And at those power levels I would definately hold the world record 
(and some SERIOUS bragging rights ;) ).

I would like to propose a partnership with LOD if your interested to 
construct the Avalon Coil Advanced Lightning Research Facility. You could 
personally head the project, I supply the funding and location. If you're 
interested, let me know. Otherwise it will be a collaboritive effort of ANY 
members on this list who wish to come here and build it.

Have fun!

Christopher A. Boden Geek#1
President / Founder
The Geek Group
Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!

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