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Re: Getting Closer to First Light with 10KVA Pig

In a message dated 8/21/00 6:57:19 AM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com 

<< If it is a 14kV pig.  Maybe a 28kV pig is being used here, and
 will need to be run with the 120 volts on the 240 input to get
 14.4kV out?  I don't know if this is the situation or not.

Hi John,

This is certainly true. I was just going by what Ryan told me though.
He said it was a 14.4/28.8 KV pig, so I was assuming either that
he may have misread the name plate and it may have said 14400/
24940Y or if it was in fact a 14.4/28.8 KV primary volt pole pig,
then it would have to have a tap switch. I did forget to mention the
possibilty of a tap switch to Ryan. If this was indeed a 28.8 KV pig
with a 14.4 KV tap, then again, he could run it off of 240 VAC in to
obtain 14.4 KV out if he placed the tap switch on 14.4. I don't think
I've ever come across a 28.8 KV pri pole pig though. I've heard of
19.9 and 34.5 but not 28.8 KV. Are there any such animals?

Safe Coilin'
David R.