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Ohio Teslathon/ Call for small inductors
I will be putting up a web page preliminary to the
event showing the strontium ferrite inductor(SFI)that
produced a 250,000 hz frequency signal pictured on TEC
This scope form was made on dual channel function
monitoring two inductors in the same magnetic field
action. Because of the fact that the VHS camera
recorder taking a scope shot picture in real time has
a different sampling rate than the actual sweep rate
of the oscilloscope, this results in a jpeg of a
multitraced form. The actual time allotment involved
there would allow for 333 traces. While this may seem
to satisfy detractors of 180 field reversal theory as
I have advocated; this does not conceptially yet
become justifiable. Namely if one starts with an
oscillation, that is understandable, but to produce a
oscillation within an oscillation that produces flip
flops of the ac signal itself produces a paradox that
the mind cannot easily fathom. If we try to understand
events in a linear fashion on the ac model where each
event has its own separate time period, this leads to
the monstrocity of considering that one cycle acts
normally, and the next acts as a reverse time
signature, playing back the former cycle in reverse
time. I think it is generally true if we form a theory
that makes no sense that theory should be discarded.
Yet this still leaves the observation without a
solution. The solution that seems coming from all
observers is that it is simply a scope problem. The
problem is actually that all the scopes DO show the
same thing!, I have 5 of them! So the first order of
business at the Ohio Teslathon is to place a variety
of inductors in this field and make jpegs of their
recorded self resonant freq from scope observations.
These observations can be made into future web pages.
Thus I would ask all the participants to bring any and
all small inductors they have to the conference for
testing. These should consist of at least 50 winds,
or the frequency is too high to detect for easily
shown jpeg files or photographs. A RF choke is
typically to high of a self resonant frequency to
produce a signature on scopes that I have: A digital
scope would be nice to try this with! That would be a
first. Of particular interest are small pancake coils
as I have used from a microwave oven inductor. These
produce a lower frequency and are more adapatable to
scope work.
Again in the very making of this post I recognized
that I had forgot that I actually have a secret
testing room of large plates that I use for other
nefarious purposes. This is large enough for a person
so it is surely small enough for a secondary. But in
any case the MWO technique of determining self
resonant freq of a coil should be a highlight of the
conference, I will also try testing this with large
1.5 H/d model prior to date and report to list. In
other matters a small mistake in the directions to the
event will be noted on arrival by the astute observer.
In kind of a inside joke that persons name appears as
the correct one whose name is attending the event, so
everyone attending can start to imagine which one it
is! Talk about precognition! Therefore if you put that
name there in replacement the instructions are correct
without including the why of things... Just a little
Sherlock Holmes mystery for the
I have also placed Malcolm Watts comments in past
correspondence at the messageboard concerning self
resonating coil freq. and invite others to place any
magnifier data there, as I have not yet placed
Antonio's URL's back from loss in crash at
messageboard some time ago.
On the subject of self resonant frequency of an
inductor, the BRS technique of allowing that inductor
to freely vibrate in vicinity of what has been termed
the MWO lends itself as a scope technique to see what
this delivers without having to resort to the
conventional technique of using a signal generator.
This will be shown at the conference by all bringing a
sample inductor to be tested.
Sincerely HDN
Binary Resonant Systemhttp://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb124201
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