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Re: Thanks for all the Ballasting Tips, but one Last QuestionAbout the Pole ...

Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: CTCDW@aol.com
> Ryan,
> My pole transformer has the same 3 connections and the fourth below the
> center LV connect. The outer 2 are for 240V use, with the center as neutral
> (ground) I use the center and one outside connection for 120V, but you will
> get voltage on the outside connection not used, so watch out! :) The one
> below the three is strictly the case ground. As far as the plugs, I have a
> pressure release on mine that will open if the tank pressure gets too high
> for sme reason...maybe to keep it from exploding if struck by lightning?????
> Chris

Hi Chris,

Careful. The low voltage center tap neutral connection is not ground.
There is a difference. The center tap is not bonded to the case/core
either internally or externally on any pole transformer I have ever
seen. There may be a small "electrode" protruding from the bottom of the
center tap/neutral connection toward the case which serves as a safety
gap for lightning protection. The case connection serves to ground the
case and transformer core.

The pressure relief valve is only to equalize pressure inside the case
for temperature changes. Some pole transformers have it, some don't.

Ed Wingate RATCB