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Rotory Static Gap

Hello Coilers,

An electrical engineer friend loaned me an old book on high voltage
gear ranging from BIG induction coils to "medical" Tesla coils.
One of the things discussed was a rotory static gap which uses a
pair of counter rotating disks spaced the desired gap apart at
their edges.  Picture a pair of meshed gears, then grind off
the teeth, and you'll have the idea.

This style of gap would have no specific break rate as in a true
SRSG, but it does have an advantage of continuously presenting a
fresh surface for the arc to jump, and with much more mass than
conventional fixed gaps, it would run cooler as well.  Perhaps
the mechanics of insulating the disks from the shafts and the
drive train would negate any advantage, but I thought you might
find the idea interesting at least.

J.B. Weazle McCreath, VE3EAR      Web:    www.solwind.on.ca
c/o Solwind Enerco Inc.,          E-mail: weazle@solwind.on.ca
36620 Saltford Road,              Home:   (519) 524-7420
Aerial Acres, R.R. 4,             Work:   (519) 524-8703
Goderich, On., N7A 3Y1            Fax:    (519) 524-6108