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Re: Paper/Oil Capacitors
Some data about oiled paper [Taschenbuch der Elektrotechnik, Hanser Verlag
München 1976,
Band 1]:
epsilon-r = 3,87
tan delta = 2,6e-3 (20°C)
tan delta = 8,5e-3 (100°C)
punctuation voltage DC: 174,0kV/mm
punctuation voltage AC: 57,5kV/mm
max. punctuation voltage is higly dependant on thickness.
if scan of diagrams (german) is wanted, please e-mail to marand@t-online.de.
Andreas Marshall
Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Gregory R. Hunter" <ghunter@accucomm.net>
> Thanks for all the info guys, but I'm still intrigued by paper/foil/oil
> caps. Where can I find performance data on oiled paper, such as dielectric
> constant, puncture voltage, lossiness, etc. There's tons of data available
> on plastics & ceramics, but very little on paper. I know paper has it's
> characteristics, and so does oil, but when the two are combined, we have a
> different animal.
> Anybody have a link I can look at on oiled paper?
> Cheers,
> Gregory R. Hunter