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Re: secondary to try...

In a message dated 8/19/00 9:42:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com 

>     Hi All!
>    Since John F. endorses 'higher turns' (less filling!/tastes
>  great!), vs less turns.  Will a secondary wound with 40ga wire
>  (don't ask how I managed it) work?  I'll try it anyway, and
>  hopefully it'll work.  I'm expecting ~1100-1500 turns on this form
>  (it isn't done yet), and I'll be sure to smother it with
>  polyurethane before smoke-testing.  I'll keep ya'll posted on the
>  results.  Oh, one tiny problems...this stuff is super-fine
>  wire...ideas on ground-connection and toroid connection?    I was
>  just gonna forego sripping the enamel, and just let 'er arc over
>  (that'll remove the insulation!)
>                                                            Shad, AKA
>  Sundog


I don't really recommend using wire that thin except for maybe
a very small coil.  I once tried some 34 awg wire, and it worked
fine.  I never tried 40 awg.  The problem is that the winding will
be so short, it will limit the obtainable spark length.  But it should
work fine for a small coil giving relatively short sparks.  I was
able to get I think 25" from the 34 awg coil which was 9" long.
A higher bps would have let the spark go longer though, but with
lower "efficiency".  You may be able to burn off the insulation with
the soldering iron as you solder the wire at the end.  You may be
able to splice (solder) a 28 awg wire to the end of the 40 awg wire
to make it easier to connect to the toroid, etc.


John Freau