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Re: avalon condition

(snip, i hope)

Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
> It's not ALL that bad :) And the holes in the floor *are* intentional. I
> have toured almost 80% of the complex (it's taken me 2 weeks!) and most of
> the work will be in CLEANOUT. There will b a lot to do in the Remodel phase,
> but not much as far as serious structural work (other than 2nd level
> construction (plumbing, Electrical, NLB-walls, Cosmetic). There is a fair
> amout of roofing to be done. Mostly old water damage, rotting, the usual for
> a building that has sat abandoned for 15 years.

that sounds great. a lot better then what i imagined.

> This is true. I have the ability to shut down myself with a couple of large
> switches.
> >find the sub mcc's and break power there. find the rectifier room and
> >disconnect the crane's hot rails, drop out the cans for the overhead
> >aerials.
> That was done years ago.
> >get some one that is not afraid of heights,
> I'm a rock climber Marc ;)

this is a good advantage, takes all the stress out of "drawing straws"

> safety harness him up, get
> >him to walk the crane decks and rolling rail's
> I've walked a couple of them already. They're in great shape. They look lik
> streetcar rail.

good deal. while your up there try to get a look at the hot rails, you might
have to use binoculars from the opposite wall for this.

> (i hated when the crane
> >broke down in the middle of the bay, by the time i finally got to the
> >crane i was usually crawling)
> Yeah, they don't give ya a lot of room up there. In th HVL the crane goes
> less than 1/2" under the superstructure for the roof.

it wasn't that i had a fear of hights, i love hights, i have a fear of edges.
i'm not sure what that is called?

> these overhead cranes are the work horses
> >and you'll need them for clean up and high bay lighting repair.
> lol, yeah. Without them (or a scissors lift) there *is* no way to change
> most of the lights in the big rooms.
> a good
> >compressor in the rectifier room,
> Just what IS the Rectifier Room? Would it be a room with HV feeds in posts
> coming out of the floor going into cubish boxy things about 1.5cuft with 6
> BIG wires coming out ther top and a lever on the front?

can't say for sure but this sounds right.

> There are a couple rooms with a HV jungle gym of pipes onto witch several
> rows of these boxes are mounted. There (once were) 6 large wires going into
> each box (they have long since been cut). On the front of the fall of jungle
> gym is a wooden handled lever contraption that does something IN each box.
> They MIGHT be switches, but they just don't feel right as a switch. Bit I
> couldn't imagine what else they could be.
> Why would anyone want a lever on a rectifier?

since the cranes usually run 24\7 they would throw a few out and a few in for
service. actually bypass them.

> clean everything. if you have a good
> >480 feed use it, i know the cable on the ground scare's you but power is
> >everything.
> We ARE using it. I just want to get it in the air a bit. I'm worried about
> running it over and grounding it out. That's the only power in Mill-C right
> now.

if you can't get it into the air, you could use some plate and build a
steel run
over it.1/2" plate will take a lot of weight and it only has to be a little
the wire.

> check the cable tray's, a good four conductor running in
> >your general direction can be a blessing.
> there are LOTS of theses pink (once red?) 3"dia(total) 4cond cables running
> everywhere at about all elevations. I believe they carried 14.4 for the
> primaries.

these are most likely 2400v, all the 13,800/14,400 i've worked with has been a
single conductor, #2 surrounded by 1" of poly and another 1/2" of
copper foil, semiconductor. big, heavy, bust a tugger stuff.

> >find the "plant one line drawing's" after my post i called an et at a
> >steel mill and he told me that they have to submit any updates to the
> >one line's to the local power co., check with them they might still have
> >them in archive?
> ha ha ha...yeah...you have to meet the CP rep. I'll call Consumers, but I'mm
> willing to bet the following will happen.
> 1. They DO have an archive, but noone I will ever get to talk to will know
> that. That person won't check either, and will vehemntly deny ever hearing
> anything about it.
> 2. They DO have an archive, but it doesn't go back before 1987 since they
> started computerising all their records and the old ons were dstroyed in a
> fire.
> 3. They Never had an archive...but that's a good idea and perhaps we'll
> start one!
> 4. I starve to death waiting on hold.
> Pick one, I give 50:50 odds on any of them.

yeah, probably all of the above @ 100 percent

> gas is a definite shut down for now,(the heat is in the
> >tools).
> Alright dad..... ;)


> but do it at the plant's mains,
> With the hissing leaks at the mains I'M NOT TOUCHING A 200PSI+ 8" GAS MAIN.
> I'm allergic to pain. When they fix it, THEN yes. But that could take weeks.
> I already have closed EVERY valve I could find. Water, Gas, God knows what.
> don't let the gas co. do it,
> The Gas Co (Consumers...yeah, same as the Electric monopoly in town)
> couldn't even FIND the mains. I had to show them the pit (which is their
> property) AND the meters.
> Next time, I'm moving the meters and they can find them on their own.
> >you'll be right back to the new guide line mess, stay as much on the
> >"existing operation" platform as you can.  look in the mcr's for any
> >delta/wye transformers that look disconnected, these can be relocated to
> >any area and fed for work power, the cleanup crew will need power and
> >lights to expedite the process.
> Yes, what I'm hoping to do is get the primary trannis on (14.4KV to 2400)
> then be able to power one building at a time. We'll work on Generators for
> now, but I'm sorting the mess out as fast as I can.

if looking for a generator, maybe look for a 2400v kato unit, these are in a
less of demand and are a little cheaper. smaller size for a given current and
less complicated. after all you have the transformers on hand and could
hv cable from the trays.

> >i guess what i'm trying to say is if you disconnect from the grid, you
> >may never get back on. these guy's would love for you to say "unhook us
> >for now" that is major dollar sign's in there eye's, the one's that seem
> >to be friendly now will be the one's that say "you'll need an inspection
> >and this wont pass and that wont pass" believe me.
> Oh I believe you, been there before. The BIG thing going in my favour today
> is the Fire System. EVERYTHING I seen in th FSS is mint. It must have been
> installed about 6 years ago. The pepes are all empty (as are the water
> mains, thank God) and in great shape.
> >if those alis chalmers transformers are hot, use them. if not don't get
> >rid of them, keep all the transformers, vacuum breakers, all. find an
> >area that is dry and store them. from the smallest control trans. to the
> >ugliest disconnect, temporary service is the key here.
> I'll have to see if I can find some room to put them. ;)
> Alright. Most of the PIGS stay where they are (that's where I need them
> anyways). But let's say I want to move a few. Can a BobCat do it? How? If I
> tip it will it die? How much can they tip? What do I have to secure before
> lifting? Some of the big ones have a drain valve, should I
> drain-move-refill? I CAN safely handle the PCBs (we have Tyvex suits if we
> need them, with booties, gloves, and mask)

i wouldn't drain them myself. this would just be an extra headache to deal
are there any LARGE fork lifts on site? maybe think about getting one? use
lifting cables and large clevis's on the lift points.

> >get the cranes going and keep quiet, remember "a fool can pass for a
> >wise man, if he only holds his tongue"
> >marc
> We don't have to kep quiet. EVRYBODY from God on down seems to want to help
> us in every possible way. I have people I never heard of calling me from the
> city asking if I knew about such and such funding availible and they will
> send me a packet. It's really cool :)
> Marc, how would YOU like to come and sort out the HV system, fight the
> cranes, and all that Jazz?

i've been talking to my girlfriend about doing just that, i have to get the
differential swapped out in my van first,(spider trouble)then i want to take a
run up there. i have a few friends that i work well with (you know, the guy
hands you a screwdriver before you ask for it)they are interested and our
engineer is intrigued. he told me to do a reconnaissance run before he goes up.
good man(horn ball). has nightmares from the steel mill though, i was telling
him about it and he shivered.

> Good news, only 3 of the Gantries are electric. The rest we have to convert
> :) Right now it's pulling chain. And to move a 50ton crane, that is 60'
> long, across a 114' room you have to pull a LOT of chain. It takes 4 people
> about 20 mins if they're in a hurry.

aayaheeeeyo! whip, whip, crack, crack.

> Christopher A. Boden Geek#1
> President / Founder
> The Geek Group
> www.geekgroup.org
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