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Re: MMC accessories

Hi Bill,

On 15 Aug 00, at 8:07, Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: "Gomez ADDams" <gomez@netherworld.com> 
> on that fateful day 8/12/00 10:43 AM, Tesla list uttered:
> > Original poster: "acmnovak" <acmnovak@email.msn.com>
> [snip]
> > The resistors will also be bought from
> > digikey to save on shipping fees. I'm going to throw those in for free,
> > they'll
> > be 10MOhm @ 1/2 watt carbon film resistors.
> Doesn't the value (or at least, the ideal value) of resistor depend on the
> number of caps in the string?  If everyone is using the same HV transformer,
> it wouldn't make a difference, but if we're all planning to build caps of
> different max voltage, I'd think the resistors would need to be different.

Since the resistors are too high a value to play a part in 
voltage sharing at Fr their value doesn't really matter. The 
time constant when using such high values really only allows 
them to bleed the caps once the coil is switched off. I use 
10MOhms in all my MMCs. The one thing that should be done is 
to match the caps on a capacitance bridge so that the caps in 
a string have a near equal value. That does ensure good 
voltage sharing at Fr. Different strings can be different 
overall capacitances.
