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Re: Parallel and Series LCR Circuit Qs

> From: Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com>
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: Re: Parallel and Series LCR Circuit Qs
> Date: Sunday, August 13, 2000 9:47 AM
> Original poster: "Metlicka Marc" <mystuffs@orwell.net> 
> i believe this also to be true, but i am thinking that the forking of
> the streamer is following an intersecting e- field line of force.

By definition E field lines cannot intersect (for that matter, the lines
don't actually exist, but are a means of visualizing the field.  They are,
by definition, parallel to the gradient of the efield at any given point.

If you are drawing a 2-D picture of the field, and you draw lines for
equipotentials (much like contour lines on a topographical map), then the
"field lines" are perpendicular to the equipotential lines. Since a field
line doesn't really correspond to anything other than the direction of the
field gradient (i.e. the volts per meter maximum), the density of them is
arbitrary (usually chosen for explanatory purposes). And, because of the
way they are defined, they cannot intersect (although they can meet at a
point charge, which can't exist in nature)

What IS important is how far apart the equipotential lines are, that is,
what the magnitude of the gradient is, because that is where the force on
the ions is greatest, and where breakdown is most likely to occur.  To go
to the topographic map example, it's where the terrain is steepest.

> start at the beginning, as the coil charges up and builds an e-field
> around the coils and top load, these field lines are in a concentric
> pattern. when breakout occurs the leader creates a sink that folds the
> lines of force into the streamer, distorting the e-field surrounding the
> coil. as more folds converge into this area the leader is minutely
> directed down one of these lines. as the fork has changed position in
> space, the folds of the e-field also change in position and intensity.
> thus another fork develops or maybe another breakout point altogether.
> in the case of another breakout point, say on the opposite side of the
> topload, the corresponding e-field lines are swung into that area and
> the whole process repeats itself.
> as active tc modeling progresses into a true 3-d aspect over time, i
> think that this will be shown in greater detail, or even 2-d modeling of
> the e-field with a bolt placed on the cross section of the toroid,
> terry? i don't know anything about this modeling but maybe a magnet
> placed into the cross sectional area?
> i think that the general idea that the tc's effects are only limited to
> the discharges are a little short sighted, i think when modeling
> progresses that it will be seen that the effects extend farther (i
> hazard to say infinity) out then previously thought.
> i know that tc's are known to be poor transmitters but the disturbance
> in the surrounding fields extend out and the folds are effected by all
> surrounding objects.
> my .0002 cents worth,    marc