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Re: 240/110 Volt rotary supply arcs

Hi Garth, 

My rotary is configured directly below the primary. I have run RSG, SRSG, and
DC drive gaps simply running the line right on the ground out to the source.
I've never had problems with arcs to it that I've noticed (I run a 10KVA pig

My high voltage lines from the pig however are run through 1/2" pvc (5" off the
floor) in a nice and neat organized manner. The pvc is only pennies for a good
10 feet or so and is well worth the cost of keeping high voltage lines
organized (very important with pigs). I use elbows and the like to create the
stands for the piping, etc. I can simply pull apart the elbows and piping if I
want to disassemble for any reason (i.e., moving it from the back-yard to the
garage and vise-versa). NST's of course can be mounted directly under the
primary, so this would be of no concern. 


Tesla list wrote: 
> Original poster: "Garth van Sittert" <garth@mediasupplies.co.za> 
> How do most people configure their setup? 
> Do they place the rotary gap directly under the primary?  Make sense, as less
> lead inductance losses.  But then how do you run the 240V/110V supply for the
> rotary motor?  What about strikes to the 240V leads?