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Re: Space winding
Hi Kennan,
< Big Snip >
This is exactly the problem I was floating around in my head, as I am not too
concerned with efficiency of my coil, (can deliver >20KVA @ 33Kv), I am
looking for the longest possible arcs - So we have turned full circle as I
can remember a discussion on this list before about arc lengths vs I and V.
What allows the maximum arc length given same toroid/primary/cap etc. For
example, when I run my coil I leave the voltage variac dialled up all the way
and vary the current limiting variac. Reading Jim's post on leader formation
I suppose we are looking for the mechanism that leaders use to 'backfil' the
arc channel as it steps forward into space. Is it totally dependent on V or I
or both?
Best Regards,
> 4. >However<...consider this: With secondary n diminished to 1/2,
> perhaps 2x the current can be delivered into the secondary from the
> primary >after< the spark starts. That doubled current will act to
> fatten and extend the spark to a greater degree than where n was not
> diminished. That effect may or may not overcome the reduction in initial
> spark-voltage to 1/2, in producing a satisfactory spark.
> So where do we stand on this? Will it or won't it? Who out there can
> properly quantify all this? Or correct me if I'm wrong?
> I'm in the process of space-winding a 12" x 48" Sonotube-secondary.
> Perhaps I'll finish that and then make another exactly the same except
> close-wound, & compare the two (With my self-tuned solid-state primary I
> will be able to do that as quickly as I can swap one for the other; all
> else will remain exactly the same.).
> Ken Herrick
> ________________________________________________________________