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RE: What has everyone got against PCB?
PolyCloronated Bifenals (spelling anybody?) is what PCB stands for.
Federal mandates required the removal (or at least less than 5 ppm I
believe, 'cause it's been awhile) of PCB contaminated oils in xfmrs a
long time ago, but the old stuff (20 years old ?) still may have some in
it, especially the caps. I've been soaked in it at one time or another
in my younger days, and hope none of the carcinogenic scare rears it's
ugly head for me, but the stuff is not supposed to be very compatable
with a long life. Of course, this information was probably based on
given a mouse 3 pints of this stuff per day to see if he would die from
> ----------
> From: Tesla list[SMTP:tesla@pupman.com]
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 7:20 PM
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: What has everyone got against PCB?
> Original poster: "Garth van Sittert" <garth@mediasupplies.co.za>
> Just what exactly is the disadvantages of using PCB caps or
> transformers? Just
> wanna make sure: what exactly is PCB for the slightly ignorant (like
> me)?
> Does it swell up and do all wierd things?