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Re: What has everyone got against PCB?

Polychlorinated biphenyl= a pair of joined carbon rings with differing #'s of
chlorine atoms instead of hydrogen atoms stuck on the outside.  PCB's are
hard to
burn and are good insulators, that's why they went into electrical stuff, until
tests determined that they can cause cancer and stay in the ecosystem for
We had a big scare in the 70's here in Michigan, when some PBB's (only
from PBB is a few Bromine atoms) got mixed into cattle food.  It's like DDT
in that
it accumulates up along the food chain, and you only notice when things
croak or
are born with defects.
It was off topic, but hey I answered my first question on the list!

Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: "Garth van Sittert" <garth@mediasupplies.co.za>
> Just what exactly is the disadvantages of using PCB caps or transformers?
> wanna make sure:  what exactly is PCB for the slightly ignorant (like me)?
> Does it swell up and do all wierd things?