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Re: Metal Enclosures
You can use 1/8" Aluminum sheet metal for your box to have a custom made
one. Ross O's box is made this way.(http://users.better.org/roverstreet). You
can always just buy DJ racks and add panels to the frontand back for meters,
switches, etc. That is the route i'll use because the box is already made and
will be guarnteed for a certain number of years to not break.
For mounting, I've always used drill bits and a counter sink to deburr
the hole. This is the method i used while i interened at the Aerospace Corp.
It is the easiest cheapest way. For those holes/squares that you can't drill,
use a cut off bit or saw. Use a file to smooth the edges after cutting.
<< Original poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
Original poster: "Bart" <bmcguyer@houston.rr.com>
Hello all,
Where can you find metal enclosures to make a power control console out
Electrical Supply places, surplus outlets, etc...
Ask for a "Hoffman Box", they're pricey, but worth it. You can even get them
in different NEMA ratings for weatherproof applications.
How would you make holes for all the connections?
You'll need a set of knockouts. These too are expensive, but if taken care
of will last a lifetime. I have used the same set for 10 years, my father
had them for 30 years, and my grandfather used them for about 30 as well. I
would count that as a good investment :)
Panel Meters?
These are too big for knockouts (unless you spend a fortune on the massive
ones you'll never use). We used a cutoff wheel and a Dremel.
Remember, don't skimp on buying tools. It's better to buy a good set of
tools once, than cheap ones every 3 months. Not to mention you will spend a
lot less time healing you knuckles. :)
Christopher A. Boden Geek#1
President / Founder
The Geek Group
Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!