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Re: Yes, yes...nice....but what can you do with it?

on that fateful day 8/7/00 7:29 PM, Tesla list uttered:

> Original poster: "Ross Overstreet" <ross-o@mindspring.com>
> The unidentified  solid state thing is most likely a big SCR.  SCRs have
> largely replaced variacs in lighting and heater control circuitry.

It would be unlikely for an SCR to have only two wires unless this were a
"hockey puck" style, and then it wouldn't be all black, it would have two
metal faces.  In any case, I've never even seen a black hockey puck SCR, all
the ones I've seen, either in person or catalogs, have been white ceramic.

- Gomez

We have enough youth.
How about a fountain of smart?