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Re: secondary core other than air

In a message dated 8/6/00 2:52:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com 

> Original poster: "Garth van Sittert" <garth@mediasupplies.co.za> 
>  Would it be possible to use something other than an air core to increase 
>  secondary inductance and Q factor?


I don't think there's any practical way to increase the inductance
very much.  Some folks (including myself) have inserted ferrite
rods into the secondary to increase the inductance, but it doesn't
make a large difference, and I never use it anymore.
>  Are their any possible cores available?  I know something like ferrite core
>  would create internal arcs, but surely there must be something out there!
>  I have just wound my 6.4" secondary with what I was told to be #24 wire,  
> but
>  wintesla seems to use incorrect figures for wire guage and turns per inch. 
> My
>  secondary has 33 turns/inch.  
>  My secondary inductance is way too low and I now have re-calculated my 
> primary
>  with only 5 turns which I think will be terrible for spark gap losses.

Well, many TC's have been built using a 5 or 4 turn secondary and
good results have been obtained.  Perhaps not the best.... but good.

John Freau

 > My
>  topload is 20" wide so I can't drop secondary resonance any more unless I 
> use
>  some secondary core other than air or wind more turns on the secondary.