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Re: SRSG timing (was SRSG motor power)

on that fateful day 8/2/00 10:54 PM, Tesla list uttered:

> Original poster: "David Dean" <deano@corridor.net>
> But if the right amount of material is removed and the motor can be
> locked in sync. at a lower than rated voltage, and still not pull more than
> rated FLA at a bit higher voltage, a range of operating voltages (and hence
> currents) can be had. At the lower voltage the current will be lower and the
> magnetic field weaker. The physical poles of the stator will not be aligned
> with the position of the armature poles to the same degree as when rated
> voltage is used. The stator will be _lagging_ or retarded in timing (to make
> an analogy to a car engine). At the high voltage the stator poles will be
> aligned more perfectly with the rotating magnetic field of the armature, and
> thus _advance_ the timing to some degree.

This makes sense.  I must really be stressed out more than I thought I was,
if this didn't occur to me.  Thanks for the clarification.

 I'll be certain to include this in the SPCP-1 control console, since I've
got at least one spare Variac around that is large enough to run the gap

- Gomez

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