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FW: "Ion Generator" Tesla?
Hi Brad,
I tested the Electronic Goldmine 120Vac to 7.5kV "ion generator" module
last week.
It generated about 10kV but only capable of 35uA into a short
and decreasing as output voltage increases charging a Cap.
6mA 120VAC .7W line current/power were unaffected by 0 to 35uA output current
I charged a .1uF mica cap.
One time constant (63% of final voltage) was 18 seconds
with no voltmeter probe load attached.
3 time constants = ~1 minute to 95% charge
If you don't mind waiting 1 minute/bang
you can indeed make a single shot DCTC !
In fact my original DCTC used .1uF and achieved ~28" discharges
over the surface of a hard insulator (used to increase likelihood of
achieving maximum length power arcs)
A 1000 Mohm HV probe = 10uA at 10kV is a significant load when
the current available is so low And it will limit the final voltage
due to voltage divider affect with the internal resistance
(R=~10kV/35uA=286Mohms) of the power supply.
--------------- FYI !!!
My single shot battery powered 1 watt DCTC:
Single shot Arcs over hard dielectrics (non arc participant) restrict
discharge to 2 dimensions increasing statistical probability of
producing a max length power arc.
Current Specs, performance:
Ctop ~25pF 8" x 20" galvanized toroid
Lsec 30mHy 6.5" dia 20" long white PVC form
Lpri 3.4uHy 1/4" Cu tubing, spiral, 16" OD (tap outside in)
mutual coupling coefficient adj .18 to .22
Cpri .2uF 10kvdc 4.9J per bang
Vpri 7kVdc via 12v dc-dc flyback converter from 1.5" BW video camera
monitor, 50mA quiescent
GAP = commercial Jennings/Kilovac vaccum relay implementing unique 'jog' method
Vout-pk = Vpricap * sqr(Lsec/Lpri) * efficiency
* .5 before eff factor if you use T.Fritz method or
Vout-pk = 7000 * sqr( 30mHy / 3.36uHy)*.8 = 529,150 Vpk (theoretical maximum)
Power Discharge point to point maximum to date (7/4/00) = 38"+
Easily scaleable up or down (add or remove .1uF caps, adj Pri tap)
Arcs are generated in front of a hard dielectric: glass, plastic, masonite,
etc. boundary with air to confine arc path in 2 dimensions
Vs 3 dimensions in the dielectric Air alone, 78% N2, 21% O2
(imho it's the turbulence, dynamic arc altered concentration, & new compound
formation at high break rate that promote streamer growth in typical TC's)
At low rates the
dielectric doesn't materially participate in arc gases as evidenced by visible
spectra being that of N2, O2. A dielectric boundary exists for HV to hug.
Technique is effective only at low bang rates so heat is not concentrated by
high repetition which would promote material decomposition products in the arc.
Latter affect is demonstrated by yellow, etc. arc color generated over/in wood.
original DCTC picts:
.1uF 7kV 2.45J
12v to 7kVdc converter, Sparks, scope field V & Iarc waveforms,
trick or treat '99 photos:
photos: D300 Olympus 1024x768 and a calibrated button finger
(capture ~1 of 8 due to "no bulb mode" on digital camera)
see photos of components & arcs:
more recent 38" discharges 4.9J 7kV 7/04/00
Hard plastic poster board in background is 40" wide x 30" high
(thanks Terry for siting these):
BTW: the DC-DC converter can be designed for higher current (or V)
output which can drive higher BPS (alternate gap design) at the
cost of complexity, cost and input power.
Of course you can go the other way and use an ion generator if
you can wait a long time between discharges !
Regards, Dale
Redondo Beach, Calif.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2000 11:06 PM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: "Ion Generator" Tesla?
Original Poster: "Brad Davidson (Kiloman)" <davidson@cyber-dyne.com>
Somebody mentioned using one of those "Ion Generators" that are supposed to
reduce dust to make a (small I guess) tesla coil. Does anybody have any info on
this? Thanks,
Brad Davidson