
RE: Better Gap Worth Effort

>Original Poster: "unicorn" <unicorn@telerama.com> 
>  hey "gary"
>  I get a better arc off my coil..

Better than...?

 >I will make and use a sync gap.
 >And at the time i am makeing more caps.
 >My coil took 2 years to build, and i spent 40.00 to make my coil how much
>you spend??
I've probably spent $1000 to $2000 on parts, test equipment, tools,
traveling toand everything else Tesla-related over the past 2-3 years.  If
minimal spending is what counts, you win.  But I'm more interested in
understanding every facet of my coil and finding out just how to squeeze
every last inch of spark out of it, and be a neat and tidy looking piece of
work as well.

The coil. Secondary 17" x 4" carboard tube 3/8.
35 turns per inch.

power'd biy 3 NST at 6KV 90ma all are hook up in parallel.

toroid 5" 21" rigded drian pipe covered with aluminum foil.
primary 1/4 copper tubeing at 15 deg tap at 8 turns.
the sorports are pyrex glass 3/8 thik.

The spark gap is a air gap no money put in it????


> Original Poster: "Lau, Gary" <Gary.Lau@compaq.com> 
> Hey "kid" -
> So-called RQ (AKA TCBOR cylinder) gaps and air blast gaps ARE static gaps.
> But I also agree that forced air flow over any kind of static gap will
> result in far better performance than without.
> Gary Lau
> Waltham, MA USA 
> P.S. - Get a spell checker!
>> Original Poster: "unicorn" <unicorn@telerama.com> 
>>  I think static gaps are crape.  Tah take to long to cleen and it do not
>> quench to good. A rsq or a air blast gap works much better then a static
>> gap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>  kid-kv
>> P.S I made a air gap with a fan and brass serws and it works much better
> then
>> the static gap i had. The static gap took to long to cleen. My coil has
>> bottle caps and a air gap. With the fan i get 12" eze with out the fan i
> get
>> 4" to 7" sparks. does that give the id.?