RE: frequency
Bill -
The TC operating frequency is determined by the many parameters of the coil
when they are in tune. This involves coordinating about 30 major TC
variables when you make changes and a computer program can do it fast and
accurately. Download the free JHCTES Ver 3.1 program that can do all the
calcs including the frequency when you redesign your coil.
John H. Couture
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 5:35 PM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: frequency
Original Poster: "William Woods" <wwoods@mail.wsu.edu>
Hey People,
I have a question. Is it best to say the lower the frequency the
better with a large top load capacitance? When making a top load should
I just shoot for a big one? I calculated a total inductance frequency
of 90.75Khz with a 9" shere and 94.41w/8", and 98.61w/7". What is a
good frequency to shoot for? Should I redesign the coils on paper for a
lower frequency than these or higher? or are these good values?
Thanks, all help is appreciated.