Re: Salt Water
I used salt water caps for my first coil. I used vodka bottles. Can't
remember exactly what the "capacitance of a bottle" was, but I seem to
remember around 0.1 uF (this, of course will vary with what kind of
vodka bottle you are using, etc -- don't quote this figure as being
exact). My first coil was kind of a "throw-together". I didn't
rigorously measure everything, just tweaked to get it working (e.g. add
another capacitor, play with the primary, etc).
I never really did get it working well, but it worked well enough for me.
- A. Banerjee
On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Daniele Bortoluzzi" <dbortoluzzi@sogeda.it>
> Hi all again :)
> I am near to wind my first coil... one of the part I want to build now is
> the tank capacitor.
> I already know the MMC is the best, but I do not know if I will find the
> money required for it.
> So I was thinking about salt water... I would like to build a modular
> capacitor to use with my different transformers.
> 5Kv/50mA , 8Kv/20mA , 12Kv/50mA... I have others, so I do not want to bore
> with too much detail.
> For the capacitor matching I use wintesla.
> Now my question is where can I find "complete" documentation about salt
> water caps, and what you think about it.
> At the moment what I need is a working coil :) so I need to build a
> capacitor quick to do too.
> Can or should I start with a smaller cap than the exact matched?
> Tnx again
> Daniele