
possible source for magnet wire.

Greetings all,
   I just stumbled across a company that has what seems to be decent enough
prices for some HV caps(suitability for TC work unknown at this time) and
magnet wire.  I imagine that you can find better prices for the magnet wire
if you look hard enough, but I just got 1500 ft of 16g wire for about $135.
 I decided to get this because I am too lazy to search for a better price.
They had 15,16,18,23.26,30, and 32g wire available.  
   For those who might be interested, the website is
www.electronicsurplus.com and their phone number is: (216) 441-8500.  They
e-mailed me a short catalog of the caps they have in stock and a price list
for the wire.  
   Oh, and one final note:  If anyone is interested in buying some 21g
magnet wire, let me know offlist.  I have about 50lbs available for sale.
I will let it go for $5/lb.