Re: Mutant Tar!!
d-limonene works the best on tar by a long shot. If you live in a
reasonably urban area you should be able to find this locally. However if
not, you can get 5 gallons from http://www.chemistrystore.com/dlimonene.htm
. The shipping may cost a lot from FL. Good luck.
Alfred Erpel
> Original Poster: "Brad DiGiovine" <Guido28@mediaone.net>
> to all,
> i have had a NST sitting in gasoline for the past month unpotting and it
> is still not all off. I can barely see the windings. Has anyone else
> ever run into this? my 12kv30ma NST only took a week, and this 15kv30ma
> is taking a lot longer. Are there better solvents for unpotting than
> gasoline? thanks
> Brad DiGiovine