
Re: Mutant Tar!!

	Are you sure it is tar?

	This may turn out to be of use to some of you if not to Brad.
Casting resin, and probably a lot of potting resins, will absorb acetone.
It doesn't soften and liquify.  It expands, fractures and flakes off.  You
have to leave the piece in the stuff in a sealed container for a very long
time, weeks or months, but I've seen it work.


>Original Poster: "Brad DiGiovine" <Guido28@mediaone.net>
>to all,
>i have had a NST sitting in gasoline for the past month unpotting and it
>is still not all off.  I can barely see the windings.  Has anyone else
>ever run into this?  my 12kv30ma NST only took a week, and this 15kv30ma
>is taking a lot longer.  Are there better solvents for unpotting than
>gasoline? thanks
>Brad DiGiovine